This trip to Vegas for a leadership business convention (for Jason's business) was everything memorable, eventful, and uncomfortable.
The night before we left for Vegas, I received my second dose of a steroid shot for little baby's lungs. About two hours later, I noticed my left leg was puffy, red, and really warm. I blew it off as a random pregnancy thing. Friday morning as we were traveling, my left arm was extremely hot and swollen. So weird, right? AH-HA! The steroid shot was given to me also on my left side. I was having a reaction to the steroid shot! Benadryl to the rescue!
We stopped in every other city for potty stops from Saratoga Springs, Utah to Las Vegas, Nevada!
The convention was wonderful. It was focused on leadership and growing your business to fulfill your goals and dreams. Dream BIG. If you had an opportunity to be financially free, have unlimited time with your family, surround yourself with successful people, and make tons of money doing it, would you? The answer is probably yes, right? You know what else? It's moral, ethical, and realistic. So I am believing in Jason and supporting him. You know what's great? He has grown so much as a person and I am proud of him. What is my job? To support him and believe in him.
By Saturday morning, I was still really swollen and contracting. The verdict (Jason, Risa, Ryan & Nicole) voted that I was to be grounded to the room in the uncomfortable bed OR a wheelchair. I picked the wheelchair. I felt so restricted and awkward. I hated that people were staring at me. My rockstar friend Lisa pointed out to me that it was a choice I consciously made. Isn't she right? I love her. It was a great choice because the alternative would be dangerous for many reasons. A very nice lady even gave me a big bag of ice because my feet had outgrown my slippers and even my flip flops. I would cheat and wobble with my sausage toes to the bathroom which was a mere 20ft away from where we were seated with the cool kids. Everytime I turned around, someone would ask me how much longer I have, how far along I am, how miserable I'm feeling, etc. {sigh} I'm trying to think positive people but thank you for asking.
It was really hard for me to let Jason be Superman wheeling me around everywhere. He was a trooper! He was the first to ask if I needed to go the bathroom or eat and made every effort possible to keep me as comfortable as he could. He kept me loaded on ice for my sausage toes and hairless hobbit feet. Being a single mom, I learned to not depend on anyone but myself. Right now, I have to let him help me. It's hard. I'll write more about it another time. He's incredible. He kept me smiling and kept encouraging me. His business partners were even so supportive and encouraging. They were impressed that I even made it!
Ready for some funny moments?
**An older lady was seated next to us started bawling her eyes out for whatever reason... her husband had the nerve to even ask us why she was upset. She was rocking her body and flailing everywhere! Ummm....awkward!
**I stood up to wobble my way to the restroom, and during the most silent moment possible, crazy lady from above shouts "Are you in labor?!! I'm really concerned!" "No mam, just a full bladder."....
**I dumped my 44oz Pepsi everywhere during the closing session! I couldn't move or bend over to reach the mess for obvious reasons. After containing the Pepsi explosion with Jason's help (again), my giant ice bag sprunk a leak... err, I mean a gush and it SOAKED my pants! It looked like I peed myself or better yet, my water gushed. LOL Excuse the pun! :) It gets better..... my inner legs from my crotch to my kankles were dyed black from my wet pants! HAHA! Jason told me it's always a bad idea to wet my pants to warm my bum..... LMAO!
And with all that chaos, we will never repeat this wild adventure in a pregnant state! LOL!
I am really happy to be home and comfortable in my own home--baby is still baking in my oven. :)