Sunday, June 17, 2012

Stickies & Smiles

I hate that feeling when your bare feet are attracted to the nasty sticky spots on the kitchen floor. YUCK. And with each awkward step, the stickiness spreads. I can't stand it. Today, I decided to mop the kitchen floor--butt mop style. That is when you sit on the floor and scoot on your butt as you scrub and clean...or the old school way of on your hands/knees and scrubbing. I found myself smiling as I did this. Really, who smiles while they mop?? Jason asked me if I was having fun... noticing my smile. "No. I hate mopping. But seeing all these sticky spots makes me happy because I know my cute boy is happy." I guess I'm doing something right?

This week, Jaden and I have talked about our "happy places", things that make us smile, things that are happy, etc. Positive thoughts/lessons, right? So when I asked him where is happy place was, he responded, "Right here at our house with you and Jason and my brother. My heart is happy here." Awwww what a sweet sweet boy! I just love him. He's also mentioned more than once that we are nicer than his dad. Ouch. I guess if his heart is happy here and my kitchen floor is sticky- we are doing something right. My hope is that he will continue to feel happiness and love in our home and always feel that his place is here-right where he belongs. I sure love this boy of mine.