Friday, June 29, 2012

Fastest Birth Story Ever, no really!

The night before I told my sister I was feeling like Ryker was taking permanent residence in my comfy uterus and he seemed to be taking his time to vacate the premises. Jason says it's because Jaden probably scared him by shaking my tummy and yelling "shake your booty!". lol

It was June 22, 2012 at 6:46am time stood still just after hitting the ground running two-thousand miles an hour. Daddy said "hey little buddy!" with the most excitement a new daddy could possibly ever have.

This will be a day I will always cherish.
At exactly 5am I woke up from a deep sleep feeling slightly wet although I knew my bladder was quite empty because I peed 10 minutes prior. I made my way to the bathroom and fluid began to trickle and trickle and trickle....I tried to go back to sleep just as I felt something rupture, followed by a strong contraction. I hurried back to the bathroom and then gushed and gushed. I hollered to Jason who was sound asleep "J! My water is breaking! We are having a baby today!" All of a sudden, my contractions were 2 minutes apart and very strong. I made a few phone calls inbetween contractions and we left for the hospital at 5:43am. We arrived at the hospital at 6:13am. Carrie, our fantastic doula beat us there and waited outside with a wheelchair.

I was really. really really scared. Honestly. I didn't feel pain. But I felt a LOT of pressure. Intense pressure. Actually what was most uncomfortable was laying on my back in that effing stoooopid bed. The nurse checked me at 6:31am and I was 5cm. She checked me again at 6:34am and I was 9.5cm. I signed papers for the epidural, the anesthesiologist, my nurse and Carrie told me that I'd be holding my baby before the epidural would work. (did I mention I was scared?) Carrie was amazing. She kept me breathing deep (it helped!) and she did some acupressure which was amazing and I just know she was god-sent to us for this moment. Jason let me squeeze the hell out of his hand. During a contraction, I was possessed by woman-satan. Once the pressure released for a second, I was calm. The pressure intensified very quickly although I didn't feel pain. At 6:41am I was complete! Jami, our photographer arrived! I did say, "I'm not ready! I'm not ready!" And I was told "Oh yes you are!" even though Dr Young hadn't arrived yet. Carrie & Jason kept reminding me that I could do this. I kept saying how bad I needed to poop (but really, it was baby). My body took over the reigns with all power and strength and as they say, it does know what to do. I saw Jason's face full of excitement "Babe! I can see his head and his hand! You're doing awesome!". 
With only 2 pushes- BAM! Ryker was born at 6:46am
Happy Birthday Ryker
In that moment my heart learned to love all over again; so much that my heart was overflowing.

June 22, 2012
Ryker Fox Carter
7lbs 6oz
19 Inches
(1 hour, 46 minutes of labor)
To love you, my little baby Ryker. 

                                                   .....more photos coming soon!!!!! 


  1. Wow! thats Crazy! and wonderful, he took his time but once he decided to come, he was ready! Thats a wonderful story Jessi, I loved reading it and especially how Jason reacted :) And you did it! He didn't give you much of a choice but you did it! I am SO happy for your little family~

  2. I love it when moms who don't want an epidural have babies too fast for them to change their mind. :) It's like, fate, or something. LOL I LOOOOOVE this story, and I'm so happy for you!

  3. See???? I told you he would come when he was good and ready! And you did great. I wish I could have been there to help you and Jason! Congratulations!

  4. Beautiful! So tender and sweet! Congrats!!!!!!!!!!

  5. beautiful! Congrats! And holy cow that was super fast! WOW!
